Jake Berlin's Killer Ab Workout System

“Test-Drive the ALL-NEW System Guaranteed to give YOU a Flatter, Sexier, more Attractive Stomach... ... Without Monthly Memberships, Expensive Exercise Equipment or Having to Leave YOUR Home!” Finally, you too can have an irresistible stomach AND a sizzling set of abs -- following this simple, proven system -- regardless of the shape you're in now!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Taking My Time With My Abdominal Workout

Yesterday was one of those perfect mornings where you have tons of time and not a rush in the world.

I know not too many people get the opportunity like this, so I took totaly advantage of it, and spent somewhere between 1/2 an hour to just under an hour with my abdominal workout.

Between each set I threw in 15 push-ups, and grabbed a drink of water.

I did every repetition as slow as possible and made sure that each movement counted.

When I woke up this morning, my abs were still sore from yesterday's ab exercises.

So I took the opportuntiy to take the day off again, and will hope to get back to my ab routine tomorrow morning.

All the best,

Jake Berlin


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